Wednesday 4 July 2012

There was an old lady... (or cat trouble)

We went to SPA the nearby cat and dog rescue place a couple of days ago to get a cat because every farm needs a cat to deal with rodents etc.
We ended up coming away with two, a male and a female. Unfortunately neither has had the chop so we now have an interesting (and entirely predictable) situation on our hands.
The vet can't fit them in until next wednesday, she started coming in to heat and we now have a pair of sex crazed cats on our hands (who aren't meant to be going outside until they are used to this as home) who can't get on well enough to be in the same room (plus that would result in many more cats the world doesn't need)

Like many things recently I now know more than I ever expected to about cat heat cycles.
The first night she was in Proestrus during which (god knows why) she is very attractive to the male but unwilling to mate. He was MAD for it and wouldn't leave her alone but if he got to close she went a bit crazy hissing and slashing. We were thinking 'Gonad' or 'The Bollock' would be a good name for him.

I should mention there are basically 2 rooms upstairs that they can safely be at the moment, one is above our room. We decided for the first night (for some reason I can't remember) that it would be best to put him in the room above us and her in the other. We then spent the night listening to The Bollock yowling because he couldn't get at the girl cat (despite the fact that everytime he did get near she nearly took his head off)

The second night we decided that as the previous night had been so disturbed we would swap them round for a good nights sleep. However she had moved on to the next phase, Estrus, where she was mad to get at the boy cat and spent all night yowling and trying to break the door down to get at him as well as writhing around in an 'alluring' fashion - but when he did get anywhere near still swiping at him. Her names could be Fang, Killer, Slasher or Cock Tease.

We went to (the very helpful and lovely) vet to get some flea stuff for them and he told us we would be best putting them together as it won't cause a problem with the operations next week, as cats are induced ovulators so and pregnancy wouldn't actually have got started, and should keep them quieter... here's hoping...

It makes me think a little of the 'There was an old lady who swallowed a fly'  rhyme, because we had some rodents making a noise above the bedroom who were making a noise so we got some cats who made more noise so we got some...???
Which reminds me that while the yowling and scrabbling was going on we could still here the rodents in the wall happy as larry ignoring the cats. Aaaaargh!!

The names we might give them if they survive operations and our lack of sleep are Pernod (him) and Sambuca (her).
Pernod (left) and Sambuca (right)
He is very cute when not sex crazed, we haven't had a chance to tell about her yet. Hopefully she will retain her killer instincts though - but toned down.

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