Friday 20 July 2012

Gooooood animals

I have spent some time complaining about the trails of puppy ownership and about difficulties with the cats etc so I thought (that is to say Doug thought) I should do an entry about the good things the animals have done.

Well done cats!!
We haven't heard any rodents thundering around in the ceiling and walls of the bedroom since a couple of days after the cats moved it. We are not sure if the smell of them discourage the rodents or if they actually caught them (it would have been Sambuca I expect if they did). This is a massive relief as it was getting very annoying to get woken up several times in the night and occasionally it sounded like they were actually trying to gnaw through the wall in to the bedroom and wouldn't shut up even when we hammered on the wall.

Well done chickens!!
The chickens obviously are in favour having layed some eggs we are a bit worried as there is a big bird (buzzard?) that has flown off a few times as we come round the end of the house. It sits on one of the fence posts at the top of the field - which is quite close to the chicken enclosure. We are worried it is eyeing them up for eating.

The pigs probably haven't been mentioned much recently, they are continuing to be entertaining and appealing. In some ways perhaps it is just as well we haven't had so much time to spend with them recently as they are getting on for slaughter weight, so we need to come to terms with saying goodbye to them soon (and work out how we are going to transport them to the abatoir in as much comfort and relaxation as possible).

The sheep haven't made it here yet, we need to get on with preparing their field which means providing water in to it and strimming round the fence and then repairing where there are holes (pretty big job which we need to have done by the end of the month)

Poppy is lovely and cute much of the time (particularly when we have visitors who then can't believe she is any bother) and she now goes for the whole night without a piss stop outside, this is a major improvement although it does mean getting up at 7am whatever time we go to bed so still not quite back to our old routine!

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