Sunday 22 July 2012

I don't like the car!

As I mentioned in a previous post (Poor Poppy) Poppy doesn't (yet) enjoy going in the car. Up until now we have been walking her around here, but we thought it would be a good idea to start going on car journeys to go for walks, partially to get used to the car and partially so she will see other people and things in different places.
We went up to Payolle which is a popular place to go for a picnic. There are various cafés, a village of chalets, a lake, various walks in the woods and a lot of cows.

Poppy sat at Doug's feet in the car and spent the first half of the way there trying to climb in to his lap, but after that was pretty good with only the odd little whine. I think she enjoyed herself once we were there and she behaved much better than we had hoped. Usually she gets restless if we try to stop for long, but she was very good while we had a Magnum and cup of tea in a café. She is nervous of other dogs (despite having grown up with about 20 of varying breeds) so we need to find more opportunities to socialise her with some friendly ones. She has met cows here but met more there as well as horses, bikes, push chairs, a lake, various children and some dogs.

The French know how to do Sunday lunch picnic in style and all turned up with tables, chairs, table cloth, proper cutlery and glasses as well as bottles of wine. We had sandwiches on a very small rug with juice (home made elderflower codial) and felt we weren't fully getting in to the local way of things yet.
The French know how to have a picnic
Everyone had a nap after lunch
Meeting a lake
Being good in the café
Doug meets cow
On the way home she was so tired from all the new things she made a tiny fuss at the beginning then went to sleep.
Relaxing at home, relieved it is all over (until next time!)

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