Wednesday 26 May 2021

Coconut Macaroon Recipe

125g Coconut flakes

125g honey

63g powdered milk

30g Cold water

Mix everything together

Squeeze in to walnut sized balls and put on to baking tray with baking paper

Bake at 170°C for about 10 mins until golden brown (they brown up very fast and it may take less long than this, so watch them carefully)

Monday 17 May 2021

Cinder toffee (made with honey)

100g honey

120g white sugar

1.5 tsp baking powder

15cm tin lined with baking paper. It needs to be a good non stick one otherwise the toffee is going to weld on to it and you will be picking paper out of your teeth! Butter it if you have doubts...

Boil the honey and sugar together until you reach 149°C hard crack temperature

Add the baking power and stir, it should all foam up. Stir a little more until the foaming dies away a little.

Pour in to the tin and allow to set. Hopefully it will come off the grease proof paper easily!

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Honey Coconut Bake Recipe

These were going to be coconut macaroons made with honey instead of condensed milk, but they didn’t 100% pan out as intended. Possibly because I put too much honey in! They are delicious though, so we are going with it!

250g desiccated coconut

350g honey

50g white sugar

50g dried milk

2 egg whites

Preheat oven to 170°C

Mix together the coconut, honey and dried milk

Whip the egg whites until stiff then add the sugar and whip a little more

Fold the coconut mixture in to the egg mix

Scoop the mixture in to dollops on grease proof paper on a baking tray

Bake for approx 20 mins until cooked through and golden on the outside

Allow to cool and then scrape from the baking paper as best you can :) it is very sticky, so they stick themselves back together ok if a bit falls off.

Saturday 1 May 2021

Super Easy Fishcake Recipe

 This is more of an idea than a recipe!

It’s mashed potato with chives and tinned mackerel mixed in and some salt and pepper. Then make in to patties and dipped both sides in semolina then fried in olive oil.

Quick and easy if you have left over mashed potato and some tinned fish in the cupboard...

Served with sweet chilli sauce.

Blue Bird Eggs

Not planning on incubating these! I was tempted for a second, but they hatch helpless not like chickens, ducks, guinea fowl etc...

They have built the nest in a very stupid place, and I don’t suppose they will last long sadly. It is at about knee high and although we are keeping the dog away from it all sorts of wildlife (eg fox) would love to chow down on them...

Guinea Fowl Eggs

We have a hope that we can raise some and they will evade the fox and red kite and sparrow hawk etc for long enough to eat lots of ticks and fly larvae around the place...

Unfortunately some of them are quite muddy, not sure how that will affect them, and like the Bielefelder that are rapidly growing the eggs have been through the post which really doesn’t do them any good.

There are 24 in the incubator, 2 have hairline cracks so don’t look good, I think the rest should have a chance despite the mud. The eggs were very speckly so I wasn’t able to see much about the air cell from candling before putting them in...

They are a bit smaller than a chicken egg and with a more distinct pointy end and fat end. The birds themselves are a lot more wild and are not really tamable apparently. We will try to encourage them to believe round here is home and hope they stick around! They are also very noisy so we will be distressed if they decide to set up home by the bedroom.

Stuffed Crust Pizza Recipe

 Made the same as normal, ie

160g flour

40g semolina

120ml warm water

1tsp yeast

1tsp salt

Tomato sauce, cheese and toppings

Knead for 10 mins in kitchen aid.

Rise until doubled in side 

Shape in to tin.

At this point I pushed it a little past the sides of the tin as I was shaping it in the tin (I put oil in before the dough) and put some grated cheddar all round the edge (not quite at the edge to allow the folded over bit to stick). Then I folded the edge over the cheddar all the way round so that it stuck down.

Then I carried on as normal and spread tomato sauce on the base. Cooked at 180°C for 12 mins (I turn the dish round half way as our oven cooks unevenly). Then added cheese and toppings and cooked for a further 12 mins (turning again half way).

Pizza this way isn’t super crispy, but is yummy. If you want it a bit crisper, cook more before you add the cheese and toppings, possibly but some oil on with the tomato sauce to stop it drying out.

I use the same recipe for the pizza oven, but it is cooked much hotter and more quickly resulting in a very different finish.