Monday 26 September 2022

Clearing some fence lines

We have some help clearing the fence lines which is much needed and appreciated.

This is a photo of the cows helping them out - I’m not sure their help was appreciated as it involved eating branches before they had finished being cut and tossing around the ones neatly piled for burning!

It looks green in the photo after a little rain, but the grass is really in a bad way after the drought. We will be getting hay for the cows very soon I think. A month or more earlier than usual.

Friday 16 September 2022

Rendering the end wall…

The end wall has been getting damp because rain drives on to this wall and goes through cracks in the render and doesn’t dry out.

We’ve had it all taken off and redone. Looks much nice, we will lime wash it eventually a warmer colour.

We helped to the extent pf getting sand and lime, but we cannot claim to have done any of this ourselves. Expert plasterer was needed for this job!



After - it will dry a lighter colour than this…

This is the rest of the wall below the out door kitchen roof. It’s not quite finished yet, but gonna look great! Will be nice not to have sand and rubble falling off the wall all the time too!

Thursday 15 September 2022

View of the land


You can see some land is not fenced in. We hope to get them fenced one day!
Numbers 1-6 are fields, we call them
1.) The hay field (or the sheep field)
2.) The bottom field
3.) The corner field
4.) Daisy’s field
5.) Owen’s field
6.) The top field
7 is the area of the woods where we sometimes keep pigs
8 is land around the house and barns including the orchard.

Monday 5 September 2022

Windows/doors structurally complete

Unfortunately we are now going to have to board them up for. while until a few things are finished so we can put the new windows and doors in…

View will be amazing!

Still got to remove these acrows and clean up a lot of rocks and rubble…

It’s going to be amzing going from here which will be the kitchen in to the outdoor kitchen…