Wednesday 11 July 2012

Poor kitty

The cats have returned from the vet. They are both very groggy and unhappy. Poor Pernod had a bit of an accident just before being put in the car, so it was a very wet, bedraggled and SMELLY kitty who arrived home.
Both of them wanted to snuggle on our laps for comfort and we didn't have the heart to push him away even through he was so stinky, so now there is a lot of cat piss smelling washing being done. Hopefully they will spring back once the general anisthetic wears off. It was sad to see them staggering around and looking so pathetic. But we were glad they wanted affection rather than hating us :)
We have kept them apart overnight as we are not sure whether Sambuca will still lash out at Pernod or not (as she was before). If she did it wouldn't do either of them any good. They both seem unhappy about being apart, but we are not sure whether they want each other or maybe they just want company. When they were last checked on they were both trying feebly to get through the door separating them despite attempts to settle them both in their boxes.

I have put this picture in to remind myself that we have done the right thing getting the cats fixed even if they seem in a bad way now. This is me in 1985 or there abouts with a cat we met in Spain (Lorna - who has been nostalgically looking through old photos - took us on holiday in a Volkswagan camper and we drove through France and Spain, not sure how long for, a month maybe? Very memorable holiday and very brave of Lorna with a 13 and an 11 year old). There were lots of really skinny strays who had kittens, this one was actually fairly healthy although it was thinner than it looks in this photo and obviously not going to manage to support all the kittens. The kittens were very cute, but (although I didn't see it at the time - I just wanted to take them home with us) the world doesn't need more kittens.

1 comment:

  1. It was 1985. We crossed from Plymouth to Santander - where we stayed for longer than planned because of the cats. Also - Rhoda fed them of chicken - so we had Spanish-style roast chicken every - we ate the good bits and Rhoda kept the other bits for the cat. It was a very good holiday - even the driving. (The sun shone a lot)

    It shows that Rhoda has the potential for having animals around - even if we always lived in the centre of towns and I could not cope with cats and dogs.
