Tuesday 17 July 2012

Life isn't like fiction

There are endless films and books where people make a drastic lifestyle change, often a city dweller ends up living in the country(sometimes deliberately and sometimes for reasons out of their control). There is always some kind of bleak period where they hate the change, can't settle in and don't know how they are going to earn money. Then through some amazing good luck they manage to make their millions (and often meet the partner of their dreams)
The film that always comes to my mind is Baby Boom - with Diane Keeton, she inherits a baby which makes her lose her job, then for some reason I can't remember she moves to the country and has a nightmare, then makes baby food from the excess apples in her garden and becomes a millionaire (plus meets the man of her dreams of course). There are LOADS of others but I can't remember the names as they are too annoying as it is not like that in real life.
A lot of people have suggested that I need to write a book to make our fortunes. Probably they are inspired by there being quite a few funny books published with people moving to France and having a hilarious time with the locals, French red tape etc. I started to blog to try a bit of writing (as well as to let family and friends know what we are up to) but how does one take the next step? Books are very long with a lot of words, how does anyone manage to write that much (in such a way that people don't give up in boredom reading it)? Quite a few of the stories I am complaining about above feature people we are writing books and magically they manage to write masterpieces despite never having put pen to paper before in their lives. I just don't see that happening in real life. Although perhaps it happened for the Eat Pray Love woman - but a.) she cheated by being a professional writer and b.) I can't understand why her book was so popular anyway, I found it very annoying. With an extra twist to the annoyingness because she must have made so much money from it (bah humbug etc)

According to the Sunday Times, this blog (whatkatiewore) was/is massively popular and she has now gone on to do a blog about decorating their house (whatkatiewallpapered), apparently DIY and home renovation blogs are very 'now', 'hip', 'happening', 'zeitgeist-y' etc . How one wonders, does one get the Sunday Times to mention ones blog? Presumably it has to be popular already as well as 'now', 'hip', 'happening', 'zeitgeist-y' etc? Chicken and egg, how does it get popular without mention? If I was a character in a book there would be no problems as it would happen by amusing stroke of luck, I would write a related book and be a multi millionaire.

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