Sunday 15 July 2012

Let me OUT

The cat shelter told us we should keep the cats inside for a month before we let them outside. They have been here nearly 2 weeks now and they were starting to seem a bit desperate to go outside.
I want OUT!

Maybe I can go this way. But the roof is slidey
The plan is that they are outdoors cats (I am a bit allergic - and their job is killing vermin outside) and will have a bed in the bread oven building (which is at one end of the 'outdoors kitchen' from which we recently cleared all the wood). But as they are used to living upstairs we decided they needed a transition from one location to the other. It is a bit high for them to jump and there is no easy way up and down (except for snakes).
We can knock something together with this wood and nails

Right where's it going?

Completed hillbilly cat ladder

Sambuca runs up and down it but Pernod is a bit of a dollop and won't try. Probably he is right as he is a bit mal-coordinated.
We need to either persuade him to use it of make it more sturdy so he will because he spent half the night running around mieowing for Sambuca who was out causing havoc amoungst the local rodent population (we hope)
We took them out down the stairs for their first outing. Sambuca loved it and was running around eating grass (what is it will carnivores eating grass? The puppy does it too). Pernod was more nervous and kept retiring upstairs until he missed Sambuca and went looking for her again. I think he thinks he is going to be a fireside cat - but he is NOT. He has a JOB to do. No slackers on the farm.
Sambuca in her element
Happy now she can get out

Admiring the view


  1. hi rhoda, was wandering around linked in and saw this! awesome! my sister's cat was named sambuca too (sadly no longer with us). she was afraid of heights though.

    1. Hi Chris! Hope you are doing well. Hard to find original animal names! We know someone here who has a dog and a pony called Poppy (the name of our puppy)
