Saturday 29 July 2017

First taste of Bif flesh

Beef tomato to go in a salad alongside the beef

Made in to a salad with home grown potato, tomato, mange toutes and sugar snap peas. With just olive oil, salt and pepper for dressing.

These are araignée de boeuf (spider steaks or oyster steaks in English). Doug has been obsessed with them from long before Bif was killed as you get just two per cow. They are also sometimes called 'the butcher's steak' as he often got to take them because people didn't know about them. They are well marbled and tender so very good.

I was quite stressed about how I was going to cook them as I don't cook steak that often, they are the first I have done in literally years and Doug was going to be very upset if I ruined them

I decided to do in a very hot pan with a reasonable amount of olive oil, salted just before they went in, then 2 mins per side and I added a knob of butter on to each one at the end of the cooking time. Then rested for about 5 mins.

Aiming for medium rare. Could have been fractionally less cooked perhaps (Doug goes for rare normally) but absolutely delicious. Best steak I have ever had I would say - which must say something about the quality of the steak rather than the cooking I think.

The dog has her bit of Bif too.

We had Madiran which is a local wine with it. Yummy!

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