Friday 21 July 2017

Bif offal

There was some problem with the liver so we didn't get it back (I think when we get the paperwork it will be clear what. Liver fluke perhaps)
I did get:
Tongue - It is currently boiling away in this casserole dish. I am planning on simmering for 3 hours or thereabouts, then skinning it and cutting in to pieces which I will fry and make in to beef fajitas.

This is the very back of the tongue (I think!)

Kidney - put in the freezer to make in to steak and kidney pie once I have the steak

The heart. It is HUGE. But I guess that makes sense as he was quite big too. It seems to have a lot of fat, but I think that is normal (fat round it rather than marbled in the meat).
I am not quite sure what I am going to do with the heart yet. Probably render the fat for cooking. Maybe some of the meat will go to the dog. Seems a bit of a waste, but the heart is big and I have never been super keen on heart. I will try frying some just to make sure. Advice seems to be do it rare as there is no fat in it.

Not offal exactly, but this is the skin. We need to set about fleshing the 'flesh side' so that all the fat and bits of muscle have been removed then we can cure it. It again is HUGE. So lots of work. Looking forward to getting started tomorrow.

I did ask for the suet (kidney fat) but didn't get it. I wasn't sure if he said I would get it with the meat or it is just not coming at all. The joys of not speaking the language properly. MUST LEARN!!

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