We recently moved our sheep again as they had pretty much finished the grass they were on - they let us know they weren't happy with it any more by busting out and making off over the field. We caught them at it and rounded them back up before they got far.
The grass IS greener on the other side |
Happy in the new enclosure |
Today Doug took the dog out for a bit of a run despite the insistent rain. I stayed in to do useful things (which is to say I was lazing around in my pyjamas). He hadn't been gone long when I looked out of the window and saw him gesticulating wildly. I opened the door to see what excitement was occurring. He was obviously a bit out of breath from coming up the hill fast and managed to get out 'there are sheep in the field puff pant'. I wasn't quite sure what to make of this as there are meant to be sheep in the field. I finally managed to understand there were OTHER sheep not ours in a different field. I quickly got dressed and went down for a look. There were about 50 sheep in the bottom field.
We wandered around them a bit wondering how to locate their owner when the neighbor drove up (we have met M. Neighbor but this was Mme. Neighbor whom we have not yet met) and screeched to a halt at the bottom of the drive. We had a bit of a chat with her about the difficulties of being a peasant farmer (paysanne is the word she used and other french people round here use to describe themselves - to mean smallholder I guess not peasant exactly) with such steep land etc. She then rounded up all 50 much easier than we manage 12 and took them off back home.
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