There are MILLIONS of parasol mushrooms in our fields. The dog has taken a liking to them and does a funny manouver where she runs past at full speed and grabs one as she flies by and they tosses it in the air before spinning round and landing facing it looking very happy. Despite this there are loads left.
Doug woke me in the middle of the night last night, ok ok slight exageration we had only just settled down to go to sleep when he piped up asking if he could pick lots of the mushrooms and we could make soup to freeze. I have been telling him to stop appearing with more and more mushrooms as I don't know how what to do with them and there was a limit to the number we could eat. I agreed we would make soup (although I knew WE meant I). Doug's valuable contribution was picking them a suggestion that we make soup CONCENTRATE which is a good idea as the freezer is getting kinda choka. So I am going to cook up the mushrooms with onion and concentrated chicken stock then liquidise and freeze. When we want the soup we will add water and cream and a bit of lemon.
Mushroom batch 1 |
Mushroom batch 2 |
Despite batch 1 and 2 together being several kg of mushrooms it is only a fraction of what is out there. But we will rest easy knowing we have processed some of natures bounty to keep us going through the cold winter months!
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