Sunday 15 January 2017

Winter is here again

There was a worrying few hours sitting on the runway at Gatwick waiting for first a crew, then the baggage, then the de-icer as more and more snow fell. The plane had come in on time and ended up leaving nearly 3 hours late. As you can see there was not a MASSIVE amount of snow. Relieved in the end just to make it home. Hopefully I can make it back to work (hmmmm or maybe being snow bound could be good!!)

It snowed at the house, fortunately not a great deal. There is more forecast and then temperatures of -11C overnight and a max of -4 during the day. This doesn't sounds nice - with no heating and water to the animals that will freeze. At least we don't have to sleep outside like the cows and sheep!

All this has been very good in the ski area. We didn't get quite fresh runs and visibility was a little dodgy but all good fun. Glad I have been to the gym a few times recently!

Yay look how deep that is and how AMAZINGLY I am skiing it

V happy

Poppy had to get on her down jacket (I made it last year from an old jacket of mine which had got slightly melted on the fire). Cool huh? I try not to worry about being a saddo who dresses up their dog. She is a very pathetic and heartrending sight when she is cold. A friend mocked me for dressing up my dog and treating it like a child then saw her once when she was shivering and cold and demanded I get a jacket on her IMMEDIATELY and stopped being so cruel

Lovely walk on the way back from skiing to give Poppy some exercise. Sadly she cannot normally come on the ski lifts so has to wait in the car (with a special high tech warming rug to lie on to avoid hypothermia). Early season we do take her skiing, but just on the drag lifts or when we walk up

Beautiful and peaceful. Better than grotty London in the snow

Here is another knitting effort that I made before the blog so annoyingly didn't write down what I did. I love the huge pom-pom. Basically it is k1 p1 ribbing to above the 2nd pink line then stocking stitch after that. It is alpaca wool and very warm so good for the current conditions

This is how Poppy plans on spending the cold spell (except when she is running in the snow which she loves)

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