Sunday 1 January 2017

Goat's cheese puffs

These are super easy to make and really yummy.
You need bought puff pastry (or home made, but who has the time for that??) and some of the goats cheese in the roll with a kind of skin on (it is like bree with a fuzzy skin but much smaller diameter)
Like this

Cut the pastry in to squares so that there is about 2cm round the cheese and slice the cheese and put it on the squares. The cheese needs to have a skin on as above, so that when it melts it doesn't run all over the place.

With a sharp knife cut round the cheese leaving a bit of a gap (0.5 cm approx or a bit more) round the cheese. Don't cut all the way through but cut as deep as you can - it is find if it goes all the way through in the odd place.

Cook as per instructions on the pastry. These were done for 15 mins about 200C. The pastry in the uk seems to be puffier and you get a more distinct rise of the edge with the cheese weighing down the middle more. I suspect this pastry is more synthetic and rises whatever you do to it, but not so much. Anyway either way is v nice. Serve with pickle or cranberry sauce or marmalade or whatever takes your fancy.

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