Tuesday 3 January 2017

Back to work - and DRY JANUARY

Unfortunately we both had to return to work on the 2nd of January. In some ways it was a relief to be able to stop drinking and eating way too much, and get back to a more normal schedule. But the downside was that I have to abandon Doug and Poppy for part of the week.
We both had a lovely break as hopefully you can see from other posts.
Here is where we were at New Year. I had to stop off there to pick up Poppy's bed on my way to the airport as we left it there in a hungover stupor on the 1st. If you need somewhere to stay they have lovely Gites and look at the pool (not for this time of year obvs...)

It would have been nice if there was more snow for skiing, but the sunny weather made the skiing we did do as well as horse riding, walking and just hanging out really lovely and warm. It can get a bit depressing in the winter when it is cold and muddy.
We have decided to do dry January (different sort of dry) again to help our livers a bit and to take off a bit of the Christmas weight. It seemed a really good idea on the 1st of Jan but will seem less good I imagine as the month goes on.
Doug is coming to London at the end of the month, so we are not actually going to do quite all of January as he misses British beer and we need to drink as much of it as possible that weekend.

Happy holiday me (though this was one day when it wasn't so sunny)

Byeeee Doug and Poppy. Boo hoo

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