Monday 16 June 2014

Storm, no internet and other damage

We have just got phone and internet back after losing it in a storm on Friday evening. It was actually a tiny little branch that looked to have pulled some plugs out, but we didn't try to fix it ourselves.
The whole weekend without interent! How did we survive! We had to talk to each other and stuff :)

On Friday evening there was the heaviest rain we have ever seen. I am not sure how much fell in what time period, but it was torrential. On Satruday we found the drive to be a bit of a mess, lots of gravel has washed down it and over the edge, filling in the drainage channel and generally being in the wrong place. Also it looks like a medium sized river swept through the woods creating a bit of a channel and washing lots of leaves and chestnut casings all over the grass. 
However when we drove up one of the valleys just over the hill from us we found we had got off lightly as there had been extensive landslides, blocking the road in places - people had cleared it roughly with tractors so we did get through - and taking out phone and electricity lines as well as making a right old  mess. There were much bigger slides than this, but this one was over the road and took a phone pylon with it. It is not very clear, but the tree by the road had slid from way above the road.

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