Saturday 28 June 2014

Aidan's visit

He was here two weeks which was lovely. Come back soon! I miss you!
Here are photos he took of some of the things we did.

We put him to work building and then adding shelter to lawn rabbit runs for the baby rabbits to grow up in

Went for several walks

We turned back on this walk, not because it started raining (the sheep are sheltering under the bridge), we all come from Scotland so a little rain doesn't stop us... but because there was a lot of thunder and lightening and as we got higher our hair started to stand on end. We could imagine nice channels from the sky to our heads for the lightening to follow. Run!

Did some gardening (we have since strimmed and the potager looks more kempt and less weedy just for that). We are working on the central path there and plan on seeding grass there. We tried wood chips but they were not as low maintenance as we hoped. Perhaps grass will be better, perhaps not!

Started a new ham (eating it, not making it) and made sausages. Plenty of pork in the freezer we need to finish before the new pigs are ready for slaughter.

Survived a downpour which caused extensive flooding and damage nearby - but we got off lightly

Did normal things like buying food for the animals - this is food for the cows and sheep - so many to chose from!

Made tablet (came out a bit granular in texture - need to try again! But yummy anyway)

Played with the animals

Cycled in to town for dinner and the festival of music with the stupid dog running alongside. She HATED the loud music.

Killed and ate a couple of rabbits

Just hung out in the sun

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