Monday 16 June 2014

Busy busy busy

We have been a hive of industry today. In the morning Doug and I strimmed the drive (the middle and outside edge are done now, just some of the inside edge with the ditch still to go). Technically Doug strimmed and I raked.
Aidan constructed some mesh cages and is now adding some extra bits and pieces. This is so some of the baby rabbits can live on the lawn where they will need less cleaning out - and have more space to hop around and enjoy their short lives! This one is on its side and is having some leftover roofing felt added to provide shade and shelter.
Doug then used our new lawnmower to do the lawn as well as some other bits near the house. It is a flymo xl 500 with 4 stroke petrol engine. We are hoping it will help us keep the drive under control once we have it strimmed.

The difference between the bit he has done in the center, and the sides, is much more distinctive than it looks in the photo. I mowed the center of the top part of the drive with it yesterday. In a review someone said it is like a harrier jump jet coming in to land. I see where they are coming from.

He also started digging out in the outdoors kitchen so we can lay the concrete floor - the top of which needs to be pretty much level with the existing earth floor. It was a bit of exploratory digging so we can see what is under there (a lot of rocks!) - we can't really do it until we have the car back so we can tow all the rubble away in the trailer. We are planning on dumping it over the corner of the drive. It won't in itself build it up enough to widen the turn, but every little helps.

I did and posted a tax return as well as worming the horses and went to the supermarket and DIY shop with Aidan. Exciting stuff!

All of that in addition to feeding the animals and cooking meals etc. We are all tired now!

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