Thursday 5 June 2014

Le Fauchage

Which means 'mowing' in English. Twice a year, spring and late summer, 'le fauchage' - which is a tractor with mowing arm - goes along every single tiny public road round here. This means they do up to the bottom of our drive, but unfortunately not up the drive. This year we are planning on doing the drive at the same time as the fauchage to keep down th brambles and other weeds - the sides of the roads all seem to respond well to the twice annual mowing and are lovely with meadow flowers but not bramble or nettle. We are doing it by strimming and then throwing the cuttings in to the field. We have ordered a petrol hover flymo and hope that once we get it in condition we can maintain most of it with this. Previous years we have put the horses on it, but the work to remove the enormous amount of horse poo and fix up the ditch is not a whole lot less and has a less good result as there are things they don't like eating - makes it hard for people to get up the drive too!
The bit we have done looks really nice!

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