Wednesday 20 November 2013

Sourdough drop scones (pancakes)

Our sourdough hasn't exactly sprung in to life, I started it 8 days ago, it bubbles and is a bit active, but it is meant to double in size when you feed it before you make bread with it.
Each day we get nearly a cup of left over goop created when we take out half and replace it with new flour and water. We can't make anything as challenging and in need of rising as bread so I have been experimenting with different drop scone recipes. I attempted crumpets, but they just didn't come out right. I think I might need to make some with normal yeast to check I can remember how to do it.

No egg
300g sourdough starter (100% - the starter is being fed equal weights of flour and water)
Approx 3 tbl spns plain flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp sugar

With egg
300g sourdough starter
Approx 8 tbl spns plain flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp sugar
1 egg

Mix the flour and sugar (and egg if applicable) together in a bowl. The mixture should be runny enough that it would spread out slowly if you put a spoonful of it in the pan but not so runny it would run all over the place.
Leave it a few minutes then stir in the bicarbonate of soda.

Drop on to a hot and buttered frying pan. They should end up about 1cm thick, if they are thicker than that you can add a bit of milk, if they are thinner then add a bit more flour before you make the next ones.
Bubbles should rise to the surface, turn the pancake when the bottom is cooked but the top is still wet.
You can cook them in an egg ring to give a more even shape and perhaps a bit thicker.

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