Thursday 28 November 2013

Roof progress

Progress on the roof is slow. Partially because of other things we are doing and partially because the cleaning/grinding is turning out to be a bigger job than we hoped (shocker!). Some of the wood is very eaten away and dusty and it is taking a long time to get it back to sound wood. This seems to be more of a problem in what will be our bedroom (which is a later extension) than in the main part of the house.
Something else that slowed us a bit is that we ordered a scaffold so Doug can reach the higher parts of the rafters and the ridge pole with the angle grinder. It was delivered a few days later than they said and then turned out to be bent. We are waiting for it to be picked up and replaced. In the mean time we have borrowed one (of much higher quality than the one we have bought!) from a kind neighbour.
The scaffold

A dud bit

Closer up

It doesn't really show in a photo, but this bit is all crumbly
The further beam is the really dude one. You can see the
wall is a bit damp. Could be due to chimney having no cap
the roofer is meant to be doing one soon. The closer beam
doesn't do anything and we are not sure why it is there. Possibly
we can replace the function of the dud one with it. Roofer needs
to look at it.

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