She came from just north of Toulouse which is just over two hours drive away. We managed to arrive an hour and a half later than we said we would after herding chickens, turning back because we had forgotten to take a phone (we needed to call the sellers when we were near so they could come and get us as directions to their farm were complex) and then driving about 40km extra because of a diversion. We felt a bit hectic by the time we got there. There were quite a few other dogs there so she should be well socialised with other dogs from a young age.
The journey home got off to a bit of a ropey start when she howled like a puppy of the baskervilles really full on howling at the moon stuff for about 15 mins (tricky driving under those conditions) then suddenly stopped howling and went a bit limp then vomited on Doug's leg (with some warning so he managed to get a towel in there to catch the worst of it). It looked like she had been eating twigs and turnips. Then she conked out and we were a bit worried she was dying as she seemed to be panting so fast.
After a brief attempt to escape from Doug's arms and a brief spell of howling things looked up a bit as she settled in to a proper sleep. We took her for a little walk at a service station (complicated by the fact she had never worn a collar or been on a lead before - I think some of the passers by thought we were puppy torturers). She only had a drip to drink and wouldn't have a pee, but we tired her out some.
Energetic walking style |
She slept for the rest of the journey and woke up again just as we got home. Then she ran around on the lead a bit, chewed some stuff and had a crap on the floor.
Couldn't stay still for the photo |
Then she fell asleep again after all that activity
Brief rest from the activity |
Awwwww look how cute she is.
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