Wednesday 26 April 2017

More baby rabbit

There is one litter that is 3 weeks old and another two which are 1 week old.
These are the 3 week old ones. Cute huh? If only we can keep them alive.

We have medicated the whole herd  (warren? flock?) with metoxyl which treats for Coccidiosis which is a protizoal disease which can affect the liver or intestines (it doesn't transfer to humans) and we plan on treating then again as the oldest babies are starting to come out of the nest and drink water - so probably in a weeks time. We will also vaccinate as we did the previous litters though that did not help and only 3 or the total 18 survived.
It is frustrating not really knowing what the problem is and why so many of the previous litters have died.
Here they are enjoying the grass. I made this wooden slatted bottom for the cage as we have had big problems with young rabbits escaping when in cages on the lawn and then the dog gets them - with only 3 there are not many to spare!

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