Thursday 16 January 2014

New Rabbit

Our new rabbit accommodation has room for four, we are (very) frustrated about not getting any baby rabbits yet, so we have bought a fourth rabbit who is allegedly already pregnant - but we shall see... She is due between the 5th and 9th of February.
It was quite funny going to get her as I asked the guy about how to tell when a rabbit is pregnant. He said 'Si le mâle tombe, elle est pleine'. 'If the male falls she is full (pregnant)'. He then proceeded to give me a demonstration of this by putting a female in with his male. The male went at it and after a few seconds fell over sideways off her. I am not sure if this is always true, but our male certainly doesn't do it - or hasn't while we have been watching anyway. The helpful bunny guy also said that although rabbits ovulate after having intercourse rather than ovulating periodically they do still have a 3 day cycle during some of which they are less receptive to the male.
The new rabbit has had two litters before, we have called her 'Mrs Robinson' as we hope she can show Bunny Boy how it is done... else he is getting EATEN!
As you can see she is living in the spare room at the moment until we have built the new bunny palace. She has not been living outside so needs to be transitioned slowly to grow some new fur.

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