Wednesday 29 January 2014

Another cockerel bites the dust

We 'did' the 4th cockerel today. This time we held him upside down by his feet (the only way we can get them to stay still enough) and slit his jugular. I perhaps didn't cut quite deep enough so it took a little while for the blood to drain out. It was quite difficult cutting it as the skin is very thick, and also loose so it moves around as you do it, but I think having done it once I can do it more effectively next time. He seemed to fall unconsious quite quickly, but then there was a lot of flapping, it is hard to tell whether this is death throes or him coming round and thinking 'hey! what is going on???'
A lot more blood came out this way than when we have broken the neck and then decapitated. This is a good thing apparently, we shall see if we can taste any difference.
There are only two more to go. I enjoy eating them, but the killing and gutting is still a bit stressful. This was my 'favourite' method so far.
We had his liver and heart for lunch - see recipe here.

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