Saturday 11 January 2014

Animals on the loose.

I got up this morning and was just putting on the kettle for tea when I saw a bunny hopping past. I quickly locked up the dog and rushed outside. Bunny boy has learnt to move his cage by sticking his nose through the bars and lifting it up then hopping forward. We have tied a rock to the corner of it to weigh it down, but somehow he had knocked this off. He seemed quite keen to be caught though and just hopped in to my hands.
I retired inside for tea (can't function without at least two cups in the morning) and some breakfast, I was halfway down the first cup of tea when Doug stuck his head round the door and shouted 'horse on the loose!', so I rushed out again, just in time to hear Doug say 'oh the sheep are out too'. From the hoof prints it seems that Daisy got out some time in the night, and then in the morning got tangled in the electric wire going up to the cows field, as she ran off she mowed down the Ouessant sheeps fence. Luckily the cow fence didn't come down too. 
Daisy seemd very keen to be caught and returned to her field with Owen and Voltaire, the sheep were also quite easy to catch although the roofer turned up mid process which nearly scares them off.
Having animals makes unpredictable days! We were meant to spend the morning insulating not chasing naughty animals!

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