Friday 11 October 2013

Visiting friends

At the weekend I went to visit Simone and David. Although they have been in their house over a year I hadn't been there before (what with having been in France and all). It was lovely to see them, the kids and also Richard and Carolina (whose wedding you might remember we went to a few years ago in Argentina). As Doug hasn't visited the house either, here are some photos. They have done lots of work downstairs but still have plenty to do upstairs. Simone assures me the house is too small, but I thought it was lovely and big. I suppose 3 kids take up a reasonably amount of space.
Cool made to measure wall paper in the play room.
It is even more snazzy in real life

I thought maybe a groovy mirror like this in one of our
bathrooms if we ever get that far... or maybe in the bedroom

House with C and N

Learning to scooter on the soft grass - hard to move though 
Simone the expert

Lights like this down our stairs - round the bend rather than a
straight line would look good (again if we ever get that far)

Girly room

Cute huh?

The kitchen extension

This doesn't really help you see the colour of the light,
but it is an LED bulb like maybe we should get.
As a spot not recessed though

Octopus? Or Spider? There is a cool hat with eyes too

Outside in the sun

Living room

Cool John Deere electric car
 They are thinking about getting a black Labrador - to tire out the kids (!) and because you can't live in a big house with a big garden without one. We spent quite a bit of time talking about the responsibility of having a dog, whether there is a danger of not bonding with it and whether you can cope with the effort of caring for it if you don't. We went to see a little of puppies recommended by a friend. They were SOOOO cute, I wanted to take one home with me - although generally I prefer skinnier dogs to Labs. I must say though that having looked around more it seems that the black ones don't get as porky as the yellow and brown ones.
Awwwww cute!

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