Tuesday 1 October 2013

Green Tomato Ketchup Recipe

This would have turned out greener if I had used white instead of brown sugar, but the brown gives extra depth to the flavour. Thanks Kim for the tomatoes!! Ours got blight.

1 onion
2cm cube of fresh ginger
2 garlic cloves
Fresh or powdered chilli. Amount depending on how hot you want it
A bunch of basil - maybe 15 leaves or to taste
1kg green tomatoes
200ml vinegar (I used apple cider)
70g of sugar (brown is nicest)
Some spices eg Coriander seeds, pepper, juniper seed, cloves, cinnamon... whatever you have really

Fry the onion gently. Add the tomatoes, chilli and basil stalks plus a dash of water. Boil until the mixture doesn't look watery but is not sticking to the bottom at all.
Add the basil and liquidise thoroughly.
Then push through a sieve a few times until the mixture is very even and shiny looking. It will be a lot more watery than ketchup at this point
Boil until the mixture is reduced to a ketchup texture.
Put in to sterilised jars. You don't get that much from a kg of tomatoes - a couple of jars perhaps. Tasty though and good if you have a glut (if only)

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