Wednesday 26 September 2012

Fruits of Autumn

We have picked quite a few apples (or rescued as windfalls). A lot have little holes where bugs have nibbled them, so the best way to preseve seems to be to make apple sauce or apple crumble for the freezer.

 The apple device is very useful for preparing them quickly

We have had a lot of parasol mushrooms too. And there are many more coming out. I made some soup yesterday and we will try to get round to freezing some of that too.

The tomato harvest hasn't been very impressive yet. They fell over yesterday and knocked some of the chillies off too.
The garden is producing sweetcorn and beans which are both very good. I may need to make bean soup shortly too and freeze that as the beans are being pretty enthusiastic. I don't think there will be enough sweetcorn to have any left over. Next year we must grow a lot more and freeze some.

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