Tuesday 7 August 2012

Hurrah! The sheep field is finished!!

FINALLY we have managed to finish repairing the fence round the sheep field. It is not exactly the fence we would like but should hold them for a year or two until we have time to put in a new fence.
The last bit we did was the gate. As mentioned in a previous post the existing gate works by part of the fence folding back. It was quite a long section so not possible to sufficiently tension it to stop sheep being able to get under the wire at that point, plus there was some wire dangerously trailing on the ground where the fence needs to take a step up at the ramp in to the field.
We replaced this gate with one equally dodgy but smaller so it is possible to tension it to stop sheep getting under it. We made it wide enough to get the wheel barrow in but no wider.
The new gate
As with other bits of the fence there was not quite enough mesh fencing to do what was required so we had to fashion something from garden wire. Not pretty but hopefully functional.
Our thinking at the moment is that the sheep will be in this field (Orchard) then next year we will fence another field (bit of the Orchard) next to it and then move them there and come back to sort out this field. However there is plenty of other fencing (eg around the Potager - veg garden) to be done so not sure when it will reach top of the priority list. Hopefully before many more of the fence posts rot through.

Now we just need to arrange delivery of the sheep.

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