Thursday 7 April 2016

Drainage behind the house

Part of why the house is damp is because water comes in under the back wall when it rains. As there is no foundation it is easy for it. It then soaks up the walls and even the floor where there is no damp proof.
We are adding a fin drain - similar to a french drain, which is just a ditch with gravel to allow the water to drain away, but there is a geotextile membraine against the house to help guide the water away inside it.
Looks very neat. They are being careful because the house has no foundations, so if you did to close to the wall it will just fall in to the hole!

There will be some interesting bits getting round corners, and also making room for the drain and for the drainpipes coming off the roof to go round the same bits.

It is pretty exciting seeing this happening - even if I am not there in person - as we have been planning his for so long. Eventually we will hopefully have a house where mould doesn't grow on something if you leave it in one place for more than 5 minutes.

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