Tuesday 30 June 2015

The Garden

Doug has made a good effort to get some stuff (edible stuff, we hope to have time for flowers one day, but not yet) planted, but we just haven't had time to keep on top of it, so some plants are still on pots, some has been eaten by slugs and some engulfed by weeds. A few have survived.

The weather for the next few days is really hot, so we got up early despite being on holiday to get a couple of hours in before the sun comes on to it.


After - looks a lot better for having all the paths strimmed.


I did some weeking (4 barrow loads) which has hardly made a dent on the total number of weeks. Here is an example of a weed filled bed (which is still like this along with another 3 or 4 of them. Aaargh.

I cleared one bed to plant sweetcorn and found a lemon verbena we thought was dead and a thyme I had forgotten about

The raspberries are doing really well - we only planted them last year

They made a yummy brunch afterwards with drop scone, cream and merangue.

Doug also strimmed the area where we have been dumping the rabbit poo where we are planning on planting the squash. They really should have gone in some weeks ago.

We hope to get some more done other mornings, save some of the things that are growing and plant a bit more stuff.

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