Sunday 4 May 2014

Two years on

We have been here two years. It feels like forever and no time at all. We have made progress in some things and learnt soooo much, but in other ways (the house arrrrgg) we haven't got very far - although we are making progress now. You can see in the picture at the head of the blog that the cherry was in blossom then. This year they have been and gone already. Winter started early and spring has arrived very very early too. The weather is fairly up and down, which I suppose is normal for spring. It has been raining and raining (but not very cold) ans I think this is just a brief sunny interlude before more rain. Lovely and sunny today, as it was the day we arrived, which was nice as we had people to lunch, and a neighbour popped round too.

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow... 2 years... that has whizzed by! I am catching up on your blog after a long time having not checked in... lots going on with animals and the house... I even ended up on Lorna's blog again rereading some stuff there and then becoming emotional all over again :) Love that you and Doug are having an amazing journey and always look forward to catching up. I hope one day soon I can bring the family over for a visit!
