Monday 5 May 2014

Horse dentist

Our riding instructor noticed that Daisy seemed to have a sore mouth so we took them to see the horse dentist during his regular visit to the riding center.
Both had points on their teeth - which are normal - that the dentist ground down. Neither horse was thrilled by this, but who can blame them!
Owen apparently has wolf teeth but they are not causing a problem (they sound a bit like wisdom teeth for horses, noone knows what they are for and they can be uncomfortable sometimes).
You can't really see in the photo, but the dentist has a special headcollar with an attachment which goes in the horses mouth and holds it open for him to work. It also has handles on so you can control a little how much the horse throws its head around. The dentist seemed very competent and the horses not overly stressed.
This is the cross country course at the equestrian center. We have done some of the jumps once in a lesson. You can also see the new foal and her mum in the middle of the picture. It is very cute!
We went for a nice ride afterwards and had a picnic up in the woods between the equestrian center and our house. Poppy came too. I got off and walked her on the lead along the road as she can't be trusted not to dart in front of a quarry lorry.

It is hard to tell whether Daisy is happier for not having sore teeth as she now has a sore foot. It is never ending!

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