Sunday 17 March 2013

We are not alone

Searching for information about the various things we are doing or want to do (
how to buy a cow,
how to incubate eggs,
how to make soap from pig fat,
how to tell whether a sheep is about to lamb,
how to get rid of lice from chickens,
about dogs in heat,
how to make Tabasco sauce,
how to painlessly learn french,
renovating a farmhouse
etc ) I come across a lot of blogs from people doing a whole variety of things. Some seem quite similar to us with similar ideas and dreams and some seem to overlap in only one area and perhaps are coming from a different angle. For example, for some reason, soap making brought up a lot of 'preppers' (survivalists), with whom we don't have that much in common. It is nice they are keen to be clean when society as we know it breaks down though. A lot of people doing something similar to us (growing veg, keeping animals, renovating) have a much stronger 'eco' reason than us for doing it, sad to say but we are doing it because we think it is (and will be) fun rather than to make the world a better place. How selfish!

I hope the owners of the blogs don't mind me putting links to them..

This entry 'spoke' to me with the vision of the future house which is sparklingly clean - a large feature of what I dream about the future is that it is clean, possibly unrealistically given how much mud there is in the countryside. I am getting more used to it than I thought I ever would, but it does get a bit wearing sometimes just how quickly the house fills with mud, and that anytime you go outside whatever you are wearing needs washing or is permanently scarred by meeting with a cats claws, a fence post or some kind of goop.

I enjoy the whole of this blog, I found this entry good. It is easy to write about the fun stuff, the pretty stuff and the interesting stuff, but it is more difficult to write about the less good bits.

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