Friday 22 March 2013

D(aisy) Day

Daisy was due to arrive at about 11.30. For some reason her imminent arrival threw us in to a frenzy of house cleaning. We cleaned the dog hair off the cooker, we cleaned the dog hair off the top of the washing machine, we cleaned spots of dog blood (dripped through the never ending heat) off the floor, we hoovered the dog hair off the floor (are you spotting a pattern??). I think we had an irrational fear that her previous owner would judge our house and land not good enough for such a lovely horse.
We paid a neighbor of the previous owner to deliver Daisy (she is a horse trader). They had a bit of a setback on the way when the car broke down. Luckily she knows the owner of the equestrian center a few minutes down the road from us, who went out and towed the horse box the rest of the way then took them back to the car afterwards where the mechanic was waiting. The upshot of this though was that they didn't have time to come and see the house or the field or anything. But never mind at least the house is cleaner!

We read lots of stuff on the internet (as we do about everything) which suggested we should leave it a few days before riding Daisy and that we should spend time bonding with her by grooming her and spending time in the fields. However the previous owner and the transporter suggested it was a good idea to ride her as soon as she was calm so we took her for a very short ride this evening.

We now need to get our own saddle. We have borrowed one for a couple of weeks. There are SO many it is almost impossible to chose.
Now it is raining. I hope she is ok out there on her own. There are plenty of trees for her to shelter under but she is not used to such steep slopes I think. Be careful Daisy!

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