Friday 25 August 2017

Toastmasters - Table topics - Objects

I did these table topics perhaps 6 weeks ago but forgot to post them until now.

Why do we do table topics?
Impromptu speaking. Useful if someone asks you a question at work or socially. Helps you come up with something and structure it in to something coherent quickly - to avoid that middle of the night - I should have said moment or the incoherent rambling.

Quick review of how it works. 1m to 1m 30s. Lights. 

Now on to the topics themselves
Have any of you given your car a name?

If yes - so have I! I'm so glad it's not just me!

My car has a name, she is called Martha. She is a Nissan Navara 4x4, fitting with her ‘big boned’ build, she is quite stoical and puts up with all kinds of driving, and is mostly a silent but supportive companion. Occasionally she complains when I take corners too fast. She was most upset and had a lot to say recently, when I scraped her bumper against a rock!

This set me to wondering what sort of personalities various other every day objects might have. I am looking for you guys to help me out. I am going to give you an object and I want you to pretend to be that thing and tell me what you think, what you are feeling or about your typical day or whatever.

My first object is a doorknob. So please imagine you are a doorknob and tell me about your life, what you think about, how happy you are, anything you want to share with me really.

New five pound note
An ipad
A tree in Richmond park
A lawn mower
An airplane
Big Ben
A walking stick
A stone on the beach

A seat on the tube

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