Sunday 12 February 2017

Wind and rain

There has been a lot of wind recently. A couple of biggish trees have come down. The other one is bigger than this one.
It is always worrying as the wind howls around the house what we will find outside in the morning. So far nothing drastic. In some ways it is nice feeling snug and warm by the fire when you can hear horrible weather outside.
It is quite unusual for it to be so windy at this time of the year, normally it happens in Autumn or perhaps Spring.

In between the windy spells it has been very rainy making a muddy mess in a lot of places. It is the worst thing about winter - mud mud EVERYWHERE.
People say about wood, that it warms you three times. Once when you cut it, once when you stack it and once when you burn it. I think hay is a bit similar, you have to move it from where you bought it to your barn, from your barn to where you feed the animals and then clean up the animal poo. Most places we just leave the poo, but outside the stables it just makes the mud too stinky and horrible and isn't good for the horses feet either. Doug dug off a lot of mud with the mini digger at the start of the winter, and it is a lot better now. But we still have to remove many barrows of poo and mud each week. This is it recently cleared. Pretty sure the horses spot when we do it and come and lay some new ones just for a laugh.

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