Tuesday 15 November 2016

Highland Coos are back home

Here they are at the farm where the bull is. The guy playing with Islay is one of the sons of the farmer and they call him a 'cow whisperer' because apparently he is very good with difficult cows.
Look at that cute little doggie, it didn't quite know what to make of giant Poppy who greeted it v enthusiastically and tried to get it to play with her. It was kind of on for the idea but also a bit worried by how mad and manic she is,

Here he is playing with Hainoa who is much shyer than Islay. Apparently she freaked out and ran away and disappeared for a while then lived on a steep slope in the woods for a fortnight. We were delighted to hear it isn't just us :)

Here is the farmer brushing Islay

He has a very nice tractor. Lots of their land is very steep, but he does have more flat land to make it worth having a tractor too.

We put some rails at the side of the trailer to help guide them in

When we took them we had a problem that they could get under the bar at the front of the trailer in to the narrow bit where we were worried they were going to stab their horns through the side of trailer. To stop this Doug made a clever device. The black bar is where they were ducking under and the panels are held in place by the shape of the trailer at the bottom and by being tied to the bar at the top. You can't really see from these pictures but it was very clever and did the job well.

Here they are being led towards the trailer. They were very good. Partially because the farmer had discovered they LOVE apples and they were happy to follow after them

Meeting up with old friends. Buttercup was very suspicious of them for a while

We had some white russians made with Buttercup milk (cream) to celebrate the coos return and how easy compared with expectations it was to get them in to the trailer

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