Monday 31 October 2016

Horses feet and new hoof stand

The horses feet seem to be slowly improving as we are keeping the hooves short.
It is hard to be sure sometimes as one week they seem fine, then the next the white line seems more crumbly again. But both seem to be in less pain on rough paths.
This is one of Daisy's front feet. It seems to me that the frog is looking a bit of a better shape and less thrush (which is fungal infection) but hard to be sure. I haven't been trimming it so any improvement is because either it has been drier recently or because we have been riding them a bit more or because she is placing her feet more heel first as they get less uncomfortable.

I have tried a dremel tool for sanding their feet down to try to make it less effort each time as at the moment it is taking more than a hour and a lot of effort every week.
This is the new hoof stand with the dremel on the bottom of it. The post can replace the sling that is in it for different hoof positions.

It is more stable than our previous stand (shown in front) and it is more difficult for Daisy to hoof over (but still possible - she has very flaily feet)

Next I am going to try a sanding attachment on a drill as neither horse flinches a muscle at the noise the dremel makes and it still takes quite a while to sand enough off with the teeny tiny dremel attachments

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