Monday 12 August 2013

Courgette recipes

We have quite a lot of courgettes ripening. They seem to suddenly appear an edible size between one day and the next.

Previously we had courgette once in a while and pretty much always fried with onions and garlic and a little bit of salt and pepper. But so many to eat we had to get a bit more inventive. The chickens love them, the quail quite like a little bit. The rabbits, sheep and cows spit them out. The dog is desperate to get at them but then isn't really keen, although she has been known to eat a bit.

Courgette patties
Grate a courgette and put it in a bowl
Add a heaped desert spoon of flour, some salt and if you fancy a bit of paprika and/or chilli
Stir and use immediately. If you leave it after you have grated thee courgette it very quickly goes soggy. You can still fry but the patties are more squishy and harder to get to fry properly.
Shape in to a ball and then squish (like making a hamburger)
Fry in shallow oil
Serve with sour cream or sweet chilli dip

BBQ courgette with cheese
Slice in to 1cm slices lengthways
Oil and then salt each slice
Put on the bbq for a couple of minutes a side.
When you have done the first side and turned over you can add grated cheese if you wish.

Courgette and tomato soup
4 courgettes - yellow ones work well as the soup comes out yellow instead of greeny brown
2 tomatoes
1 onion
1 tsp turmeric
Optionally some garlic or garlic flowers - not too much though
1 pint of chicken (or veg) stock
Fry the onions for a few minutes, chop the courgettes and fry for a few minutes
Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer for about 30 mins until everything is soft.
Blend until smooth.

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