Monday 26 December 2016

Moving cows and horses

Four of the cows are in a field at the bottom of the property where a farmer can easily deliver them hay. The other two couldn't be with them because Bluebell won't stop feeding from Buttercup if Buttercup has milk and we wanted to wean Bif so he was in with Bluebell. Now Buttercup is dried off they can all go in together. We also finally put Bif's ear tags in.

This freed up the field that Bluebell and Bif were in for the horses. It is good because it is high enough up the land not to have springs in it which means the ground is dry and hopefully better for their feet in the winter months. The downside is that this means there is no water for them to drink unless we fill a drinker every day for them - not such a problem in winter when they don't need to drink so much. Eventually we plan on creating a drinker that is filled from the water butt that is filled with water off the stable roof. It is one of two fields with access to the run in shelter that is part of the stables. So ideal for them in the winter. They have not been in this field before so exciting change for them!
You can see it is quite steep in this photo.

This shows the cows in the field before they were removed, you can see the run in shelter the horses can access (which is part of the stable block) and the water butt just peeking round the edge of the shelter.

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