Sunday 14 August 2016

Horses hooves

Both horses are looking well - apart from their darn feet

This is Owen's foot. Round the fron (the triangular bit) is black which is caused by thrush (fungal infection) and the same thing is eating away at the white line where I have circled in red. You can see a black gap there, between th hoor and the sole of the foot. It should all look like it does at the toe where the who join with a slight line (which is called the white line because if yu can clean all the dirt off, it is white. It is kind of like velcro which holds the hoof to the foot.

This is Daisy's foot. It has the same problem. Here I have filed the hoof so you can see it mor clearly to the right of the red bit, between the red bit is the gap that should not be there and to the left is the sole of the foot.

All very frustrating. We have tried so many things. Our next plan is to speak to a local vet who has horses and ask her what she thinks.

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