Sunday 5 July 2015

Is Rosbif eating?

We don't know is the answer.
He had a big feed last night, but we have not seen him eat for himself since then and he refuses to suckle if we latch him on like we did last night (forced mouth open with fingers and rammed teat in there - like getting a bit in to a horses mouth). He has pretty sharp teeth and I am amazed Buttercup is being so good and standing still while he champs around at her teats. Painful!
He looks pretty skinny, but then he seems quite strong (hard to wrestle in to place). Time will tell I suppose. At least we know he got the colostrum last night which is very important.
Mum just ignores him a lot, but does seem to be staying reasonably near and is licking him a often, but he still keeps going off and trying to suckle off the other cows and we never see him trying on her. Strange! Worrying?!

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