Monday 28 July 2014

Something ate the little chickens

A couple of days ago Doug went to feed the chickens and found there had been a massacre of most of the little chickens that we hatched this year. There seem to be two left alive. We assume it was a fox and either it got at them because they have a habbit of wandering around outside the electric fence, or it is possible it got inside the fence when it was dark and did not get the big chickens because they have a door that closes with the light. Doug and the dog found a number of corpses (which we fed to the pigs so there was some benefit) but some had disappeared altogether.
V sad, but I think rather inevitable. Everyone with chickens round here seems to lose at least some. We need to get on and get a new chicken house with an automatic door for the growing chickens so we can avoid the same thing happening next year - it is on the shopping list but had not made it to the top yet.

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