Monday 28 July 2014

New friends?

We put the cows (the Jerseys) and the coos (the highlands) in to the same field today. We were a bit worried that they would fight, and there are a lot of horns involved. However we watched them for an hour or more and nothing much happened. They had a few chats, but we are not very clear on the nuances if cow language so we weren't sure of the significance of wandering up to each other, then wandering of again (grazing all the time). The most exciting moment was some very tentative sniffing near each other. We hope they have sorted out who is who in the herd as they have been in adjoining fields since the Jerseys arrived. Hopefully it is not going to get any more exciting overnight. The neighbors giant cows are in the field next to ours at the moment and they all looked on in great interest - including the GIANT bull who is a very scary looking fellow.

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