Thursday 13 February 2014

Healthcare frustration

I spoke too soon when I said our healthcare was sorted out. Doug's is, but mine isn't and I am VERY annoyed.
For the first two years while the UK was paying for our healthcare we had separate 'accounts' as we had both paid sufficient NI contributions to be covered. But in the French system we applied as a 'Family'. It took me two days to fill in the application and copy and print all the 3479 documents they required to support the application. I filled it in with Doug as 'head of the family' despite wanting to fill it as myself - I do all the paperwork afterall. But I though I should try to go along with their beliefs and system, plus I did also think it might confuse things and make it go wrong if the man wasn't head of the household.
The upshot of this is that Doug has healthcare and I do not. We went in today to update our carte vitales - which look like credit cards and are used to access all healthcare. I have been deleted off the system because my old healthcare from the UK has expired and they have failed to add me on to Doug's account. It is so frustrating, the lady in the office phoned the people who processed the application and they say they will find the records from the vault tomorrow and explain what happened. It seems they thought it was just an application for Doug, they must have failed to read some parts of the 400 page long form, and not sure what they though my birth certificate, our marriage licence etc are doing in there.
It is very frustrating. I want to go to the doctor because my ankle doesn't seem right since I twisted it - and I twisted the other one falling through the barn floor. If only I had made a stand for feminism in France and done the application in my own name!

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