Monday 10 February 2014

Cutting down a tree

Doug has cut down some very small trees, some of the hedge in front of the house, and cut up various fallen trees. Having planted some new fruit trees we have a number of old trees we need to take down plus we need to start cutting wood for the winter after next so we tackled a larger tree.
My mum might not approve (gender stereotyping or something...), but I am afraid of the chainsaw, and Doug is scared to let me use it too as I can be a bit accident prone so Doug does the cutting and I provide the required tools (wedges etc) at the appropriate time. Plus watching (from a safe distance) and warning if the tree is starting to fall before it should or whatever. V stressful. It all went smoothly though and it fell where Doug intended. We may tackle slightly larger than this, but don't plan to do enormous trees without professional help. Dangerous business - all the locals seem to chop trees down willy nilly, only the odd one gets squished.
There are some behind the house we need to cut before they get too big and another which may touch the electricity cables if it gets much bigger.

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