Tuesday 3 December 2013

Daisy's feet and riding lessons

For ages we were having trouble with Daisy's feet. We got a new farrier (or rather bare foot trimmer) who rounded the toes much more, then she seemed to do much better. Recently we noticed a crack in one hoof, it didn't seem to bother her, and she was happily prancing along the road but we called the nice trimmer lady anyway. She came and said the crack wasn't much of a problem but she found and infection in the hoof on the other side, so she said it was just as well we called her. So now Daisy is a bit tender footed again as she has a chunk trimmed away where the crack was and another where the infection was. She is not as bad as before though. 
Apparently the infection happened because a stone got pushed up in to the white line which is quite soft. We pick out her feet round the frog and check for stones before going for a ride and on returning, but we didn't know we needed to check in to the white for tiny stones too. So now we are doing it very carefully. Poor Daisy.
It was Doug't turn to rider her the week in our lesson, he did really well and didn't fall off plus getting her over loads of jumps and only demolishing a couple. I have ridden her twice in lessons and fallen of her twice. Grr. I am not keen on the idea of next weeks lesson!

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