Wednesday 15 May 2013

Fried Soda Bread Recipe

I will try to add a photo to this next time a make it. The camera went awol for a while...
This is great when you are out of bread and need some quickly as it only takes a few minutes to mix and maybe 10 mins to cook.

250g plain flour
2 tsp baking soda
60g butter
Butter milk/yogurt/milk with a bit of lemon in - any kind of acidic milk product to react with the baking soda

Put the flour, baking soda and salt in to a bowl.
Rub in the butter (like making pastry - I use a pastry cutter)
Add enough of your milky thing to make a dough similar in consistency to bread dough but like making pastry mix quickly and just enough to get dough to stick together. Don't kneed like making bread.
Put some flour on the work surface and turn out your dough. Squish it in to a round shape around 2.5cm thick.
Heat a frying pan (ideally a heavy bottomed one) to a medium heat, add a large blob of butter and transfer your dough in to the frying pan.
Cover with a lid or some tin foil and cook until the bottom is browned - you don't want this to happen to fast as you want the bread to cook through. Add some more butter and turn the bread over. Don't cover and continue to cook until the other size is brown too.
Serve immediately, by cutting in to quarters or eighths. Lovely split down the middle with butter, cheese, jam or whatever on it.

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